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CRE Lending Technology Report 2023
Publishing date: 1 February 2023
REC USA’s 2023 CRE Lending Technology report will be published in the February issue and sent to all subscribers in print and digital form and all content to sit on the website and LinkedIn indefinitely.
The report will circulate at MIPIM 2023.
The digital age of lending
A growing number of crowdfunding and other online lending platforms are gaining market share, bringing traditional underwriting and syndication into the digital age. REC USA is examining this emerging segment of the market through the following lens:
The report will feature editorial analysis and interviews with key players in the market.
To be involved in the report or receive a copy on publication, fill in your details below:
For more information contact:
Matt Holroyd
Business Development Manager: Real Estate
T:+44 20 4548 4476
E: matthew.h@peimedia.com
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